Date: Sat., June 3 (Rain date - June 4)
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (give 1 hour of your time)
Place: Mile-a-Minute patch on Hankey Mountain (see map along with detailed route instructions below)
Who: We need 50 Wild Oak Trail users to help pull a patch of Mile-a-Minute vine, a fast-spreading, high-priority, non-native invasive plant, before it spreads along the trail network and into the special natural areas in the proposed Shenandoah Mountain National Scenic Area (SMNSA).
In September, a trail user discovered a patch of Mile-a-Minute Vine on Hankey Mountain. This is the first known occurrence of this invasive plant in the proposed SMNSA. This vine can grow up to 26 feet a year, smother out native plants, and ruin our forests. It is called "Kudzu of the north".
Trail users can spread invasives like this when we pick up seeds in our boot treads, bike tires, and horse hooves and unintentionally drop them along trails. We are asking all trail users - hikers, bikers, equestrians, trail runners, and hunters - to gather on Hankey Mountain on June 3 to stop this unwanted invasive in its tracks before it spreads to other trails and natural areas.
The Mile-a-Minute patch is on both sides of the Wild Oak National Recreation Trail near the summit of Hankey Mountain. It is 4 miles from North River Campground, and it can also be accessed from several other trail heads, described in detail below. We invite participants to hike, bike, run, or ride a horse to the patch, pull Mile-a-Minute for 1 hour, and then continue your day of recreation and fun. People with 4WD vehicles can drive most of the way using FR 425 from North River Campground.
We will have a Virginia Native Plant Society expert at the infestation to instruct participants in identification of Mile-a-Minute and assign each person an area to pull.
In addition to wiping out this patch of Mile-a-Minute, we want as many trail users as possible to learn to identify and report new occurrences of this plant while they are small and easy to control.
Please join this collective effort to evict this notorious plant from the Shenandoah Mountain area.
Questions? Contact Lynn Cameron, (540) 830-4524.
Together we can do this!
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (give 1 hour of your time)
Place: Mile-a-Minute patch on Hankey Mountain (see map along with detailed route instructions below)
Who: We need 50 Wild Oak Trail users to help pull a patch of Mile-a-Minute vine, a fast-spreading, high-priority, non-native invasive plant, before it spreads along the trail network and into the special natural areas in the proposed Shenandoah Mountain National Scenic Area (SMNSA).
In September, a trail user discovered a patch of Mile-a-Minute Vine on Hankey Mountain. This is the first known occurrence of this invasive plant in the proposed SMNSA. This vine can grow up to 26 feet a year, smother out native plants, and ruin our forests. It is called "Kudzu of the north".
Trail users can spread invasives like this when we pick up seeds in our boot treads, bike tires, and horse hooves and unintentionally drop them along trails. We are asking all trail users - hikers, bikers, equestrians, trail runners, and hunters - to gather on Hankey Mountain on June 3 to stop this unwanted invasive in its tracks before it spreads to other trails and natural areas.
The Mile-a-Minute patch is on both sides of the Wild Oak National Recreation Trail near the summit of Hankey Mountain. It is 4 miles from North River Campground, and it can also be accessed from several other trail heads, described in detail below. We invite participants to hike, bike, run, or ride a horse to the patch, pull Mile-a-Minute for 1 hour, and then continue your day of recreation and fun. People with 4WD vehicles can drive most of the way using FR 425 from North River Campground.
We will have a Virginia Native Plant Society expert at the infestation to instruct participants in identification of Mile-a-Minute and assign each person an area to pull.
In addition to wiping out this patch of Mile-a-Minute, we want as many trail users as possible to learn to identify and report new occurrences of this plant while they are small and easy to control.
Please join this collective effort to evict this notorious plant from the Shenandoah Mountain area.
Questions? Contact Lynn Cameron, (540) 830-4524.
Together we can do this!