The GWNF Warm Springs/James River District staff led a field trip in the Lower Cowpasture Project Area. Nearly 40 participants showed up for a tour of two sites:
- Stop 1. A problem drain from I64 has caused bad erosion and slope failure, with impacts on Simpson Creek, a wild trout stream. Forest officials were seeking input on the best way to correct or mitigate the problem.
- Stop 2. A prescribed burn followed by the Easter wild fire last year killed most of the trees in a 30-40-acre area along FR 129 near Bubbling Springs. The group looked at the standing snags and the dense growth of new trees and shrubs coming up and considered whether this new growth caused by fire would serve wildlife as well as a clearcut.
- Stop 1. A problem drain from I64 has caused bad erosion and slope failure, with impacts on Simpson Creek, a wild trout stream. Forest officials were seeking input on the best way to correct or mitigate the problem.
- Stop 2. A prescribed burn followed by the Easter wild fire last year killed most of the trees in a 30-40-acre area along FR 129 near Bubbling Springs. The group looked at the standing snags and the dense growth of new trees and shrubs coming up and considered whether this new growth caused by fire would serve wildlife as well as a clearcut.