June 29, 2013
10:00 a.m.
Dickerman Farm, 228 Old Parkersburg Turnpike, Swoope, VA
From the agenda below, you can see there will be a lot of action (action reports, that is) at the upcoming VWC meeting this Sat. morning. A lot is going on, and VWC is in the thick of it, so don't miss the inside scoop!
Welcome and Introductions
Treasurer’s Report
Grants Committee Report
Fracking on the GWNF
Stakeholders Report +
-Lower Cowpasture Report
- Cell tower beside Rich Hole
-Fork Mt on Eastern Divide District
Friends of Shenandoah Mountain Report
After the GWNF plan comes out - Next steps
Wilderness action around the country
Planning for 50th Anniversary of The Wilderness Act (2014)
Election of officers
BYO Lunch
10:00 a.m.
Dickerman Farm, 228 Old Parkersburg Turnpike, Swoope, VA
From the agenda below, you can see there will be a lot of action (action reports, that is) at the upcoming VWC meeting this Sat. morning. A lot is going on, and VWC is in the thick of it, so don't miss the inside scoop!
Welcome and Introductions
Treasurer’s Report
Grants Committee Report
Fracking on the GWNF
Stakeholders Report +
-Lower Cowpasture Report
- Cell tower beside Rich Hole
-Fork Mt on Eastern Divide District
Friends of Shenandoah Mountain Report
After the GWNF plan comes out - Next steps
Wilderness action around the country
Planning for 50th Anniversary of The Wilderness Act (2014)
Election of officers
BYO Lunch