Let Senator Tim Kaine know that you support S. 1975, Virginia Wilderness Additions Act of 2017: a bill to designate additions to the Rich Hole Wilderness and the Rough Mountain Wilderness of the George Washington National Forest and would like to thank him for introducing this important piece of legislation.
Please send your notes of support to Senator Kaine's office by this Thursday morning (11/9/2017).
Send comments to: [email protected]
Thank you!
Senator Kaine's press release about the bill can be found here: https://www.kaine.senate.gov/press-releases/kaine-and-warner-introduce-bill-to-protect-lands-in-bath-county
Please send your notes of support to Senator Kaine's office by this Thursday morning (11/9/2017).
Send comments to: [email protected]
Thank you!
Senator Kaine's press release about the bill can be found here: https://www.kaine.senate.gov/press-releases/kaine-and-warner-introduce-bill-to-protect-lands-in-bath-county