VWC Newsletter - May 2007
The Virginia Ridge and Valley Bill took its first tentative step through the murky waters of the House on May 10th. The House Resources Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands held a hearing on H.R. 1011 with an excited assemblage of wilderness advocates in attendance. The Chairman, Raul Grijalva, welcomed Mr. Boucher's presentation of the bill and conducted a fair and sympathetic hearing. The Deputy Chief of the Forest Service, Joel Holtrop, gave mixed testimony, accepting some aspects of the bill, but raising many of the same objections that the VWC has worked so hard to overcome.
Our panel of witnesses did an outstanding job. Tom Davenport explained the vital importance of wilderness to his outdoor outfitter business and to the regional economy of southwest Virginia. John Muffo, from the Montgomery County Board of Supervisors, spoke about the strong public support for wilderness. His best line: "I am not some faceless bureaucrat; I have to meet my constituents every day at the grocery store." Finally Gerry Gray, a lawyer from Dickenson County, put the case for users via his role as fisherman and horseman. He skillfully turned aside the objection that our increasingly obese population might have trouble getting into the wilderness. After this no one had much to say about the rather paranoid testimony of the timber industry apologist from out of state. There was "laughter in court" when Mr. Boucher fielded a hostile question about the possibility that wilderness might be made Class I for air quality, thereby possibly inhibiting nearby industrial development. Mr. Boucher pointed out that any such proposal would have to have the blessing of the Subcommittee with jurisdiction over clean air, of which he was the Chair.
This hearing is only the first round. The next action should be the 'mark-up' of the bill by the Committee on Natural Resources. When the bill is reported out of committee it must then withstand a similar review by the Committee on Agriculture. And there is also the parallel track in the Senate. So there is more to come; keep your seat belts fastened.
Suddenly all bets are off with the George Washington Plan revision. As a result of a federal court decision invalidating the new procedure for forest planning, the process has ground to a halt. This after much effort has been expended on public hearings by the Forest Service. The VWC turned out strong delegations at hearings in Hot Springs, Lexington, Winchester, Covington, and Harrisonburg. Our supporters had to work very hard to counter the disinformation and innuendo being circulated either deliberately or in ignorance, especially at the Winchester session. The Forest Service is still in the dark about how to proceed. We will keep in touch and let you know how to keep up the pressure for wilderness proposals in the forthcoming plan. You can also follow developments on (www.fs.fed.us/r8/gwj).
We have lost a long-time VWC friend in Vernon Garber (January 23, 1923 – January 2, 2007). We wish to acknowledge memorial contributions to the VWC from these friends of his: Lynn & Malcolm Cameron, Mary Hobbie, Ellen Levine, Jon Smoot, and Jewell Stoddart.
The time has come to get together for our annual meeting. Folks responded well to last year’s location, so let’s go back to Hone Quarry on August 4th. Hone Quarry Campground is in the George Washington National Forest near many of our favorite places, such as Ramsey’s Draft and Little River. Look for the sign on the right, about 12 miles west of Dayton on Rt. 257. You can camp the night before on a first come, first served basis. We’ll meet at 10:00; bring a lunch. We will discuss progress on the Virginia Ridge and Valley Bill and National Forest planning, and we will elect officers for the coming year.
Virginia Wilderness Committee: www.vawilderness.org
President: Jim Murray, 1601 Bentivar Farm Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22911 (434-973-6693)
Vice-Pres: Mark Miller, 62 Big Hill Rd., Lexington, VA 24450 (540-464-3110)
Treasurer: Juliana Simpson, 634 64th St. South Haven, MI 49090 (540- 539-1458)
Secretary: Laura Neale, 423 Sheep Creek Lane, Fairfield, VA 24435 (540-261-1909)
Wilderness Coordinator: Carol Lena Miller, 4939 Ottobine Rd., Dayton, VA 22821 (540-879-2127)
The Virginia Ridge and Valley Bill took its first tentative step through the murky waters of the House on May 10th. The House Resources Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands held a hearing on H.R. 1011 with an excited assemblage of wilderness advocates in attendance. The Chairman, Raul Grijalva, welcomed Mr. Boucher's presentation of the bill and conducted a fair and sympathetic hearing. The Deputy Chief of the Forest Service, Joel Holtrop, gave mixed testimony, accepting some aspects of the bill, but raising many of the same objections that the VWC has worked so hard to overcome.
Our panel of witnesses did an outstanding job. Tom Davenport explained the vital importance of wilderness to his outdoor outfitter business and to the regional economy of southwest Virginia. John Muffo, from the Montgomery County Board of Supervisors, spoke about the strong public support for wilderness. His best line: "I am not some faceless bureaucrat; I have to meet my constituents every day at the grocery store." Finally Gerry Gray, a lawyer from Dickenson County, put the case for users via his role as fisherman and horseman. He skillfully turned aside the objection that our increasingly obese population might have trouble getting into the wilderness. After this no one had much to say about the rather paranoid testimony of the timber industry apologist from out of state. There was "laughter in court" when Mr. Boucher fielded a hostile question about the possibility that wilderness might be made Class I for air quality, thereby possibly inhibiting nearby industrial development. Mr. Boucher pointed out that any such proposal would have to have the blessing of the Subcommittee with jurisdiction over clean air, of which he was the Chair.
This hearing is only the first round. The next action should be the 'mark-up' of the bill by the Committee on Natural Resources. When the bill is reported out of committee it must then withstand a similar review by the Committee on Agriculture. And there is also the parallel track in the Senate. So there is more to come; keep your seat belts fastened.
Suddenly all bets are off with the George Washington Plan revision. As a result of a federal court decision invalidating the new procedure for forest planning, the process has ground to a halt. This after much effort has been expended on public hearings by the Forest Service. The VWC turned out strong delegations at hearings in Hot Springs, Lexington, Winchester, Covington, and Harrisonburg. Our supporters had to work very hard to counter the disinformation and innuendo being circulated either deliberately or in ignorance, especially at the Winchester session. The Forest Service is still in the dark about how to proceed. We will keep in touch and let you know how to keep up the pressure for wilderness proposals in the forthcoming plan. You can also follow developments on (www.fs.fed.us/r8/gwj).
We have lost a long-time VWC friend in Vernon Garber (January 23, 1923 – January 2, 2007). We wish to acknowledge memorial contributions to the VWC from these friends of his: Lynn & Malcolm Cameron, Mary Hobbie, Ellen Levine, Jon Smoot, and Jewell Stoddart.
The time has come to get together for our annual meeting. Folks responded well to last year’s location, so let’s go back to Hone Quarry on August 4th. Hone Quarry Campground is in the George Washington National Forest near many of our favorite places, such as Ramsey’s Draft and Little River. Look for the sign on the right, about 12 miles west of Dayton on Rt. 257. You can camp the night before on a first come, first served basis. We’ll meet at 10:00; bring a lunch. We will discuss progress on the Virginia Ridge and Valley Bill and National Forest planning, and we will elect officers for the coming year.
Virginia Wilderness Committee: www.vawilderness.org
President: Jim Murray, 1601 Bentivar Farm Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22911 (434-973-6693)
Vice-Pres: Mark Miller, 62 Big Hill Rd., Lexington, VA 24450 (540-464-3110)
Treasurer: Juliana Simpson, 634 64th St. South Haven, MI 49090 (540- 539-1458)
Secretary: Laura Neale, 423 Sheep Creek Lane, Fairfield, VA 24435 (540-261-1909)
Wilderness Coordinator: Carol Lena Miller, 4939 Ottobine Rd., Dayton, VA 22821 (540-879-2127)