VWC Newsletter - July 2000
On June 21, 2000, Congressman Virgil Goode introduced HR 4646 to place Three Ridges and The Priest in the National Wilderness Preservation System. What is more, Senator Charles Robb and Senator John Warner introduced companion legislation (S 2865) on the Senate side on July 13th. So celebrations are in order! However, as you know, this is only the first stage of a long, hard road to the passage of a bill. VWC is totally committed to passage, but there isn't much time before the end of this session of Congress. So this is your CALL TO ACTION. Here is what we must do:
Points to make in your letters:
The VWC was well represented at the second public hearing on President Clinton's roadless policy initiative, held in Roanoke on June 24th. About 75 people spoke mostly in favor of the proposed rule, most urging additional protection. The VWC made four main points:
The VWC met at Love Gap on the Blue Ridge Parkway on a hot but beautiful day and walked in to Hanging Rock on the side of Three Ridges. There we had lunch and worked through the business of the Committee in plain sight of our wilderness objectives for Three Ridges and The Priest. The group heard that the generosity of our members and the Wyss Foundation have placed the VWC in a strong financial position to carry out a vigorous wilderness campaign. That campaign and the roadless area rule took up much of the time. Finally, election of officers placed the following folks in charge of the VWC for the coming year:
President: Jim Murray, 1601 Bentivar Farm Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22911 (804-973-6693)
Vice-Pres: John Rice
Treasurer: Juliana Simpson, 11 E. Monmouth, Winchester, VA 22603 (540-662-7043)
Secretary: Mark Miller, 62 Big Hill Rd., Lexington, VA 24450 (540-464-3110)
Ernie Dickerman's informal rule was to send out a Newsletter only when there was news. This time, Ernie, there really is news!
On June 21, 2000, Congressman Virgil Goode introduced HR 4646 to place Three Ridges and The Priest in the National Wilderness Preservation System. What is more, Senator Charles Robb and Senator John Warner introduced companion legislation (S 2865) on the Senate side on July 13th. So celebrations are in order! However, as you know, this is only the first stage of a long, hard road to the passage of a bill. VWC is totally committed to passage, but there isn't much time before the end of this session of Congress. So this is your CALL TO ACTION. Here is what we must do:
- Write to Congressman Goode (U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515), thanking him for introducing the bill and urging him to do all he can to expedite committee hearings.
- Write to Congressman Bob Goodlatte, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Department Operations, Oversight, Nutrition and Forestry (what a title!) of the House Agriculture Committee urging him to hold a hearing and expedite the passage of HR 4646. Same address as Mr. Goode. The head staff man in Kevin Kramp (202-225- 2171).
- Write to Senators John Warner and Charles Robb (U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510) thanking them for their bill and urging a hearing and early passage.
Points to make in your letters:
- These are outstanding natural areas, i.e. they stand out from the main line of the Blue Ridge, they have rocky ridges with superb views, they lie in the view-shed of the Blue Ridge Parkway, they include 8 miles of the Appalachian Trail, they have wonderful flora and fauna, including Rhododendron, Mountain Laurel, native Azaleas, deer, bear, wildcat, ravens and many songbirds and warblers.
- They are some of the closest truly wild places to Washington and the metropolitan corridor.
- Wilderness designation is supported by a large majority of the local people.
- Nelson County is determined to retain its rural character while opening up the area for a tourist-based economy. Wilderness will be an important element in the mix.
The VWC was well represented at the second public hearing on President Clinton's roadless policy initiative, held in Roanoke on June 24th. About 75 people spoke mostly in favor of the proposed rule, most urging additional protection. The VWC made four main points:
- Commending the policy of halting road construction and reconstruction in all currently designated roadless areas.
- Urging the halting of all logging and mining in roadless areas, something the "preferred alternative" does not do.
- Urging the inclusion of the Tongass under the rule.
- Deploring the effect of the whole process on planning in the Jefferson NF.
The VWC met at Love Gap on the Blue Ridge Parkway on a hot but beautiful day and walked in to Hanging Rock on the side of Three Ridges. There we had lunch and worked through the business of the Committee in plain sight of our wilderness objectives for Three Ridges and The Priest. The group heard that the generosity of our members and the Wyss Foundation have placed the VWC in a strong financial position to carry out a vigorous wilderness campaign. That campaign and the roadless area rule took up much of the time. Finally, election of officers placed the following folks in charge of the VWC for the coming year:
President: Jim Murray, 1601 Bentivar Farm Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22911 (804-973-6693)
Vice-Pres: John Rice
Treasurer: Juliana Simpson, 11 E. Monmouth, Winchester, VA 22603 (540-662-7043)
Secretary: Mark Miller, 62 Big Hill Rd., Lexington, VA 24450 (540-464-3110)
Ernie Dickerman's informal rule was to send out a Newsletter only when there was news. This time, Ernie, there really is news!