VWC Newsletter April 2010
The Forest Service has just announced a new series of hearings on the revision of the management plan for the George Washington National Forest. One could be forgiven for asking: "Didn't we just do that?" This will be the third attempt to get the process underway.
A little explanation is perhaps in order. The Forest Service began work on this revision in 2007 under a new set of planning rules put forward by the Bush administration. Court challenges have invalidated these flawed regulations resulting in a series of interruptions and delays. In order to get the process underway again, a new "Notice of Intent" has now appeared in the Federal Register outlining the proposed course of action. The Forest Service is holding five sessions for public comment as follows:
April 12th - Valley Elementary School, 98 Panther Dr., Hot Springs, VA
April 14th - East Hardy High School, Baker, WV
April 19th - Rockbridge County High School, 143 Greenhouse Rd., Lexington, VA
April 28th - Woodstock National Guard Armory, 541 Hoover Rd., Woodstock, VA
April 29th - Augusta County Government Center, 18 Government Lane, Verona, VA
All the meetings will be held from 6:30 to 9:00 pm
Meantime the Forest Service has not been idle. If you will Google "George Washington and Jefferson National Forests" and click on Forest Plans you will find more reasons than you could possibly have imagined why there should not be more wilderness designated in the GW. The mass of documents is daunting. We suggest that the best way to get a feeling for what is happening is to go to the document labeled "Potential Wilderness Area Inventory and Evaluation DRAFT March 2010" and scroll down till you reach your favorite candidate wilderness areas. You will then see all the negative stuff that has been assembled. This will allow you to polish up your counter arguments, work up a strong dose of indignation, and bring your ideas to the Forest Service meeting nearest your home. Tell them that you want more than the measly 20,000 acres proposed for Little River and the three or four additions to existing wilderness areas. Don't let them grind you down. If you can't make any of the meetings, the Forest Service will accept written comments until May 7th [George Washington Plan Revision, George Washington and Jefferson National Forests, 5162 Valleypointe Parkway, Roanoke, VA 24019]. If you need a refresher on our wilderness recommendations, or on the Shenandoah Mountain Proposal, much more information can be found at <vawilderness.org> and <friendsofshenandoahmountain.org>.
One of the most effective ways for us to show our concern for our National Forests is to join in on the annual volunteer clean-up. In past years the VWC has collected TONS of trash in the George Washington National Forest from such high impact places as Hone Quarry and Path Ridge. Carol Lena Miller will be signing up volunteers for this year's effort, which will take place on April 24th. For details go to the website: www.vawilderness.org, or give Carol Lena a ring at 540-578-0275.
The VWC has a new Treasurer! Julie Simpson's untimely death left a large vacuum in our hearts and in the operation of our organization. Karen Waterman from Stuarts Draft has stepped forward to take over the responsibility for our finances. Next time you send in a contribution (see below), add a word of welcome and encouragement to Karen.
Check the date stamp on your label. It shows the date of your latest contribution. Are you up to date? Checks to VWC, 229 Cranberry Drive, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477-3047.
Virginia Wilderness Committee: www.vawilderness.org
President: Laura Neale, 423 Sheep Creek Lane, Fairfield, VA 24435 (540-261-1909)
Vice-Pres: Mark Miller, 62 Big Hill Rd., Lexington, VA 24450 (540-464-3110)
Treasurer: Karen Waterman, 229 Cranberry Drive, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477-3047
Secretary: Pete Bsumek, 485 W. Bruce St., Harrisonburg, VA 22801 (540-421-4105)
Wilderness Coordinator: Carol Lena Miller, 460 Ohio Ave., Harrisonburg, VA 22801 (540-578-0275)
The Forest Service has just announced a new series of hearings on the revision of the management plan for the George Washington National Forest. One could be forgiven for asking: "Didn't we just do that?" This will be the third attempt to get the process underway.
A little explanation is perhaps in order. The Forest Service began work on this revision in 2007 under a new set of planning rules put forward by the Bush administration. Court challenges have invalidated these flawed regulations resulting in a series of interruptions and delays. In order to get the process underway again, a new "Notice of Intent" has now appeared in the Federal Register outlining the proposed course of action. The Forest Service is holding five sessions for public comment as follows:
April 12th - Valley Elementary School, 98 Panther Dr., Hot Springs, VA
April 14th - East Hardy High School, Baker, WV
April 19th - Rockbridge County High School, 143 Greenhouse Rd., Lexington, VA
April 28th - Woodstock National Guard Armory, 541 Hoover Rd., Woodstock, VA
April 29th - Augusta County Government Center, 18 Government Lane, Verona, VA
All the meetings will be held from 6:30 to 9:00 pm
Meantime the Forest Service has not been idle. If you will Google "George Washington and Jefferson National Forests" and click on Forest Plans you will find more reasons than you could possibly have imagined why there should not be more wilderness designated in the GW. The mass of documents is daunting. We suggest that the best way to get a feeling for what is happening is to go to the document labeled "Potential Wilderness Area Inventory and Evaluation DRAFT March 2010" and scroll down till you reach your favorite candidate wilderness areas. You will then see all the negative stuff that has been assembled. This will allow you to polish up your counter arguments, work up a strong dose of indignation, and bring your ideas to the Forest Service meeting nearest your home. Tell them that you want more than the measly 20,000 acres proposed for Little River and the three or four additions to existing wilderness areas. Don't let them grind you down. If you can't make any of the meetings, the Forest Service will accept written comments until May 7th [George Washington Plan Revision, George Washington and Jefferson National Forests, 5162 Valleypointe Parkway, Roanoke, VA 24019]. If you need a refresher on our wilderness recommendations, or on the Shenandoah Mountain Proposal, much more information can be found at <vawilderness.org> and <friendsofshenandoahmountain.org>.
One of the most effective ways for us to show our concern for our National Forests is to join in on the annual volunteer clean-up. In past years the VWC has collected TONS of trash in the George Washington National Forest from such high impact places as Hone Quarry and Path Ridge. Carol Lena Miller will be signing up volunteers for this year's effort, which will take place on April 24th. For details go to the website: www.vawilderness.org, or give Carol Lena a ring at 540-578-0275.
The VWC has a new Treasurer! Julie Simpson's untimely death left a large vacuum in our hearts and in the operation of our organization. Karen Waterman from Stuarts Draft has stepped forward to take over the responsibility for our finances. Next time you send in a contribution (see below), add a word of welcome and encouragement to Karen.
Check the date stamp on your label. It shows the date of your latest contribution. Are you up to date? Checks to VWC, 229 Cranberry Drive, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477-3047.
Virginia Wilderness Committee: www.vawilderness.org
President: Laura Neale, 423 Sheep Creek Lane, Fairfield, VA 24435 (540-261-1909)
Vice-Pres: Mark Miller, 62 Big Hill Rd., Lexington, VA 24450 (540-464-3110)
Treasurer: Karen Waterman, 229 Cranberry Drive, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477-3047
Secretary: Pete Bsumek, 485 W. Bruce St., Harrisonburg, VA 22801 (540-421-4105)
Wilderness Coordinator: Carol Lena Miller, 460 Ohio Ave., Harrisonburg, VA 22801 (540-578-0275)